
Tuesday, September 4, 2007

my favorite poem 2

I would like to finish that thought in another post. Personally i hate when people say that, becoming a christian is easy. Like all you have to do is accept Jesus. Now i used to think the same thing, but people i've grown up being a chrisitian is not the easy path. I was talking with a person i knew and they said prove there's a God. And i replied well scientifically as i'm guessing you want it proven it can't be. However some proof that points to it is me, and the millions of other christians throughout the world. First of all for something to become that popular people must see something in it. Christianity is by far the most popular religion by millions. Now you may say i'm a fool and i'm just making it up but first of all i didn't make it up and i'm not the only fool, your calling like a fourth of the world a fool and ignorant. And even if we were to ignore all that, why do you think I live the way i do. Without drinking, sex, drugs, immoral behaivor, coarse joking all the thigns that you enjoy the most, and all the things the world enjoys. Would I live this way if I were making it all up, would I stay true when everyone was mocking me and my beliefs and saying I made it all up? What could i possibly gain by this? there isn't any thing I can gain if it's all false and a lie, i'm wasting my Life to tell others about this thing that is going to destory the world for eternity. But if it's true… then what happens to you. Do you have any idea how much love and sacrific it takes to tell your friends your family the World that their going to spend eternatiy in hell? Do you think people like hearing this? it doesn't make us popular, were despised and considered ignorant and throwing away our brains. Yet we do it, why? Now there are only two options for them to say after this, either they'll look at you pathetically and say your an idiot, or they'll look you in the eye and say, maybe there's some truth. Now i'm not saying you should say all that but the point is. The life of a christian is by no means easy and we don't gain anything by living a lie. Being a christian is hard, it's hurts. Yet that's what were called to do to sacrfice our will for God's. Being a christian is not easy, but it is right.

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